Sunday, June 7, 2009

Still here

Just wanted to reassure everyone that I'm still here. I feel horrible and am really tired of laying down almost constantly, but we're still hanging in there. I had my second steroid shot yesterday, so if I have to deliver in the next week at least that's been done for them. If I make it to Friday, we'll repeat the shots (they work best if done less than a week before birth.)


Amber said...

Keep hanging in there Jen - I know there is nothing glamourous about bed rest!!!!! Who knew you could get so tired of laying around - huh?!?! : )

These babies have one amazing mommy!

Mrs. Hany said...

We are praying for you, please know that you are loved and these babies have one strong mama!!!

Nog Blog said...

In about 2 months, you'll be begging for chance to lay down!