Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two Weeks Old!

I can't believe they're two weeks already! Sassy is now 5lb 8oz, so 6oz above birth weight, and Monkey is now 6lb 4oz, so 8oz above birth weight.

I had some time to get some pics today after a better night of sleep last night. The babies have night and day mixed up, but a bath before bed yesterday seemed to "reset" things.


Mrs. Hany said...

so sweet! thanks for the picture update!

Katie said...

so cute, 2 weeks already

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sarah said...

wow, two weeks went really fast! by the way, that deleted comment was me, i was accidentally signed in under anothe username:)

Mindy said...

Darling! So glad you posted an update on them! Hope you are doing well!

Marla and Rob said...

Congratulations, Brett and Jen!!They are beautiful!! Glad to hear that all are doing well. Hopefully we'll get to meet them soon!!

Amber said...

Isn't it crazy how "hard" pictures are to take! By the time you get done caring for them, they're in bed and you're too tired to get them back out to take some!! And so it repeats . . .: )

so sweet - thinking of you lots!