Monday, June 30, 2008

Time Goes So Fast

Six years ago today, Papa Runner and I were married.

The time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday.

Our kids are growing fast, too. As I've said recently, Sweetie flipped a switch when she turned 18 months and is now acting more like a two-year-old. Her favorite word is no. But it's not just "NO!" No, it's more like this:

And Smartie has suddenly developed an attitude that's more like a teenager. Today she dressed up in the princess dress I made three years ago.

"Mom, do you know who made this dress?"
"Yes, I made it."
"Uh, no? *eye roll* It was the birds and mice?"

Love how the statements are questions, along with the "you're so dumb" look.


Jami said...

Awww, happy anniversary!!

Brooke said...

Happy anniversary!

You tell such great kid stories!

Katie said...

Congrats guys

Rebekah said...

congratulations!!! it does go fast doesn't it?! It's weird how we all look younger in our wedding pictures even after just a few years isn't it? I guess kids can do that! :)