Monday, July 14, 2008

Addendum to last post, plus an opinionated tod.

I've been thinking about my last post. (Thanks for the encouragement, Amber!) About #3, I guess I don't hate all of my body. I'm actually very happy with my weight. I have no problem with my face or hair. Most of my features are just fine. It's just one problem area that makes me crazy. And it really is a problem, causing physical pain as well as mental/emotional distress. There's not much I can do about it now, though, so I need to learn to let it go.

On to my toddler and her blossoming opinion:

I always make a suggestion for breakfast. Smartie usually agrees and occasionally suggests something else. Until today, Sweetie just ate whatever I put in front of her without fuss. Not anymore!

Me: Do you girls want a bagle today?
Smartie : Ok.
Me: Um, ok, what do you want?
Sweetie : A buh-buh-buh!
Me: ....Yeah, no idea. Let's have bagles.
Sweetie : NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Ok, how about cereal?
Sweetie : NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Ok, how about a breakfast bar?

Then I got out the toaster to make Smartie's bagle, and she really lost it! Calm down, kid! I'll get your breakfast bar!8(


  1. Sounds like a similar conversation that I have with Noah. :) Although he's usually asking for cookies for breakfast.

    I really appreciated your last post. Just like most other women, I too struggle with my physical appearance. I have one problem area that bothers me too and just in the last year or so I'm beginning to accept my body the way it is. Amber made a good point about thanking God for the good things about our body instead of just complaining about the things we don't like. I often have to remind myself that God made me this way for a reason and He doesn't make mistakes! I am beautiful to Him no matter what anyone else thinks.

  2. I babysat a couple of nephews years ago and I could not understand the speech of the youngest one. For breakfast we had the biggest battle figuring out what the kids wanted to eat, and he was adamant that he knew what he wanted! Finally I figured out he was saying "Bread, not popped up!" Bread, not popped up?? Took me several tries to figure out he wanted toast...a very stressful morning it was!

    Also, though some may disagree, I highly recommend that the minute you are done having children, get that uterus OUT! Life as a mama is intense enough without all the physical pain you suffer.
