Sunday, July 13, 2008

Reality Check

Having been challenged by Kirsten's recent blog, I've decided to post my own reality check.

1. Smartie and I have a lot of conflict, most of it stemming from being so similar.

2. Sweetie and I have a lot of conflict, most of it stemming from being so different.

3. Despite losing a lot of weight in the last few months, I still hate my body. In fact, I cried about it (again!) just the other day.

4. I have a very painful case of endometriosis. It's more under control now than it has been for a long time, but at its worst I've been in so much pain I can barely walk for 14 days/month. Not a great situation for raising children.


  1. thanks for being so transparent Jen . . .

    for all your conflict . . I still think you're an amazing mom. I think the conflict just makes you normal. : )

    and I don't know if this will help at all - but in periods where I have really struggled with my body, what has been helpful is taking my thoughts down a pattern of thanking God for what it can do: the strength of muscles, endurance for walking (RUNNING!!!!) . may seem so elementary but sometimes it helps me step outside of what I see and into considering the miraculous of its creation.

    I've often struggled with the thought of "praising God for I am fearfully and wonderfully made . . ." because I haven't always felt that. But when I step outside of that and consider how He allowsand enables me to use it, I can sit with that truth more easily. But I've been there. . .if anything I've learned that sometimes it's just hanging on until the feelings go away. : )

  2. Glad you joined in and I appreciate the honesty. I agree with Amber, you rock as a mommy!!! In fact the other day I had a milk production question and you were the first person I thought to call (still on my list of things to do). I have also taken your advice on strong willed discipline and it has really helped, so thank you!
