Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July

I took the kids to my hometown to see fireworks last night. For being such a rinky-dink little town, they put on a fantastic display. Papa Runner didn't go this year because he got sunburned bad enough to blister at a Cubs game on Friday.

The twins were fascinated by the fireworks. I was expecting one or both of them to be scared, but neither of them minded the noise. They looked and looked the whole time. Sweetie, on the other hand, ran into my parents' house, into their bedroom, closed the door, and hid under the pillows. She was terrified, even though she's seen fireworks before. And Smartie seemed to enjoy the show, but afterward she said she had been scared that the noise would break the Earth, so she was praying the whole time that God would fix the Earth and not let it break.

Tomorrow, we're having a family party for the twins' first birthday. How can they be a year already?!?

Sassy has no interest in walking yet, but boy, is she ever a talker. She knows a lot of words already--Mama, Dada, RiRi, Bubber (Monkey), thank you, hi, all done, peek a boo, pop...she's not my earliest talker, but I think she's been my fastest once she started. Yesterday, we played "pass the block back and forth," and every time she handed me the block, she'd say "Tay-too (thank you)". When I'd hand it back she'd say "Hee go (here you go)". She's quite the conversationalist.

Monkey is walking about 95% now--the only thing he can't do is stand up in the middle of the floor. If he falls, he has to crawl over to the nearest furniture to get back up. Monkey knows just one word, but he uses it often and enthusiastically--all done. Monkey, do you want more milk? ALL DONE! (Yes.) It's time for bed. ALL DONE! (You're so funny, Mommy.) Good morning, Bubber. ALL DONE! (Hi.) All said with the funniest look of pride on his face. In fact, right now he's standing next to me yelling ALL DONE trying to get me to pick him up. Once he figures something out, boy, he'll use it until he drops.

1 comment:

  1. I want to see pictures of the party! I love ONE year parties. They are the best!
