Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Babies!

One year ago today, our family was doubly blessed with the arrival of Sassy and Monkey. Today they're happy, healthy children with very different personalities, and yet they're the best of friends.

It has been a tough year, and yet it's also been a fantastic year. I can't imagine life without my sweet babies. We're finally starting to emerge from the fog and live life a bit more.

I'm proud to say I'm still nursing. I didn't make it this far with the other girls for various reasons, which I regret. But this time I'm letting them drive the bus. We'll see how long this ride lasts.

We had their family party on Monday. Here are some pics.

Sassy at 1 year

Monkey at 1 year


...and now

Monkey enjoying his cupcake

Sassy enjoying hers

Cupcakes are awesome!