Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tragedy in Roanoke

I hope it's okay to share a post my mom made on our family blog. My girls and Papa Runner were with mom and dad when this happened but didn't see it.

We had a near perfect day in Roanoke with the Cruise-In, a visit from Elvis on Main Street, and then beautiful fireworks. However, tragedy struck when the fireworks ended. An elderly lady started her car and had her foot on the accelerator instead of the brake and she drove her car into a crowd of people still seated. We were seated along Club 116 ... - this happened right around the corner from us. Four people were struck directly. Steve Hodel (son of deceased Ben and Ruth Ann) was life flighted and died enroute to the hospital. His wife, Joyce (daughter of Dick [dec] and Mabel Getz) Hodel was admitted with a head gash, multiple lacerations and leg injuries (no feeling). Shirley Leman (Joyce's sister and wife of Steve Leman) had a leg injury, though no broken bones. Troy Janssen (son of Fred and Cheri) was thrown into a crowd of children but was not seriously injured. It was pandemonium and screaming as there were hoards of people that observed the whole thing. Tim and I went to the hospital to be with the family. Tim was with Joyce and prayed with her when the ER doctor told her Steve did not make it. It was all so surreal and sad. There will probably be reports to come in the PJ Star and Pantagraph and their websites. We are very close friends of Steve and Joyce and their families. Prayers are appreciated.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Jen. I knew what had happened but not all the details so I appreciate you posting this. My heart goes out to these families and we are in prayer for them. It is such a tragedy and I still can't quite comprehend it.
