Monday, July 6, 2009

A Few More Hours

I was scheduled for induction starting at 8:00 tonight. This morning, the OB checked me, and I'm already dilated to 2+! So I'll only need one dose of the first medicine instead of 3, and we'll be starting at 4:00 tomorrow morning. Then pitocin at 8:00, unless I go into labor before then. I would love to go into labor on my own, or at least with just the first med like I did with Sweetie. I can't wait!

My final belly pic: (almost) 36 weeks!


And the girls visiting:


Oh, and the slide show again with the last 2 pics added:


  1. Will be praying that everything goes well for you Jen!

  2. I just said a prayer for you Jen! I'm excited it'll soon be here for you! What a fun time. I love the progression on your belly pics. I should've done that with my pregnancies. You'll be in my thoughts!

  3. I am praying for you Jen!!Way to go on making it to 36 weeks:)

  4. I've been thinking and praying for you today! Cant wait to hear the news! So thankful you have made it to 36 weeks and You look great!

  5. Oh, I was at work yesterday and again today and have not had time to check so here I sit Tuesday night wondering? Hope all is going ok and i'm praying for you!
