Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another update from Mom

Well, Mama Runner is still at the hospital. They thought today might be the day, but her labs are still holding steady, so they are biding for more time. She is physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to be done being pregnant . . . but, of course, it is best for the babies to incubate on the inside rather than the outside. So pray specifically that Mama (and Papa Runner) (and Grandma) can patiently endure the wait. Who knows - she could possibly make her 42 week goal that she posted on March 6th (here). Wouldn't that be something! Thank you all for your prayers - it works!! I will let you know how things progress.



  1. Thank you for the update! We are in prayers for the whole family!!

  2. I'm sure after getting mentally ready it IS hard to think longer - but hang in there Jen, the babies will thank you!

    Continuing to pray . ..

  3. Oh, thanks for updating--I check every day and please let her know we are thinking of her and praying for them all.
