Monday, March 3, 2008

Two prayer requests

Lots of news at our house today. First, my grandfather is in a coma and probably won't last much longer. It's been expected for a while, and it will be a blessing that he can finally rest in the arms of Jesus. And yet, we're never quite prepared for it. So if you could remember Grandpa Ralph, Grandma Catherine, and the rest of the family, we would all appreciate it. We don't really know at this point if we can expect him to go tonight or last a couple more weeks, but it will probably be soon.

Second, Smartie fell against our computer desk this evening and hit her right ear HARD. I looked in it with a flashlight, and I'm pretty sure her tube popped out. I'll call the doctor first thing tomorrow. We're praying there wasn't damage to the ear drum when it came out. We'll also need to decide if we should put it back in or wait and see how she does infection-wise. It happens to be her worse ear, so I'd think they'll want to put it back. Another surgery! Boo! We'll let you know what we find out.

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