Sunday, March 2, 2008

I would like to apologize... Mike Fritz. In my last post, I included a link to his website with the inflamatory label of "spied on." I'm sure this led my readers to view his site through a negative lens. I should have asked and understood his motivation before doing so. I'm sorry.

I've been thinking about how hard it is when we use distance communication like blogging to interpret others' thoughts. We don't have the advantage of body language, tone of voice, or facial expression to help us. I hope you don't mind, Mike, if I use an example from you.

"Others may find it informative to see what type of blogging activity is occurring." This could be interpreted in many ways ranging from the innocent (Those who don't understand what blogging is can use these links to help them learn more about it) to divisive and threatening (Those who hold certain opinions may find it informative [i.e. shocking] to see these links.)

I think we all, and I definitely include myself in this, should be careful not to jump to negative conclusions without understanding exactly what others mean. Again, I apologize for any heartache my post caused.

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