Saturday, June 8, 2013

Vacation Days 3 and 4

On Day 3, Papa Runner and I left all the kids for a day with Grandma and Grandpa and had a "date" at the Smithsonian Museum of American History. That was really interesting and worth the visit. All kinds of memorabilia from different time periods. I especially liked the Inaugural Dresses worn by First Ladies. Brett liked the History of Transportation. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures there.

On Day 4, we took the twins with us to another Air and Space Museum by Dulles Airport. Also worth seeing. It had one of the retired Space Shuttles (Discovery).

He didn't want to go up in the tower
because "towers are for princesses!"
Once we got inside, they all loved
watching planes take off and land.

They want to be the first twins in space:
Sassy the pilot and Monkey the space walker

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