Thursday, August 16, 2012

Can I nitpick a moment?

What idiot came up with the current breast cancer awareness campaigns? When I was at the doctor this week, there was a big sign promoting mammograms and self exams. The tag line said, "Many things run in families. Don't let breast cancer be one of them." Ok, I'm pretty sure mammograms don't alter your DNA. Self exams can't prevent you from passing on certain genes to your offspring. If you have a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, it runs in your family whether you get checked or not.

Then there's the PSA done by the women on a local news team reminding us to do our monthly exam and annual mammogram. It says, "The best prevention is early detection." Hello! If you're detecting it, early or otherwise, it's *already happened*! You haven't prevented anything! Unless they're referring to preventing deaths by getting treatment sooner rather than the cancer itself,  but that's not how it sounds.

"Logic! Why don't they teach logic at these schools?"

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