Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sweetie is doing so well

Sweetie was diagnosed with kidney reflux a year ago. We were told that a Grade 1-2 will clear up on its own, while a Grade 4-5 definitely needs surgery. She was a Grade 3. We decided to wait for a year to see if she outgrew it. Even 3 months ago, she was complaining of pain every day, and I was convinced she'd need surgery.

Then one day I realized she wasn't complaining any more. In the last 2 months, she's gained some weight. Not a lot, but still. AND her preschool, Sunday school, and co-op teachers have all commented that she's participating more, making friends, and just happier.

She was retested a few weeks ago, and there's NO reflux. I didn't realize how much it affected her, but I'm so thrilled to see her blossoming. And so thrilled she doesn't need surgery.


  1. God is good! That's so exciting!

  2. That’s great. I had to have mine repaired. I had surgery when I was younger about her age. Now to prevent a UTI because my kidneys can’t filter things right still I am limited to what I can drink and my mom said it was horrible for me to go through. I don’t remember it that much, But I am glad Katie is doing very well.
    Kimberly Brosman
