Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thank goodness it's over

After reading a synopsis of Twilight: Breaking Dawn, I posted an angry rant on Facebook. A friend rightly pointed out that I couldn't really judge it if I hadn't actually read it. So I did. All four books. Just for the right to judge it.

Here's my official pronouncement of judgement: It was HORRIBLE!

I don't know what was worse:
--the atrocious grammar
--the nonexistent, boring plot
--the inconsistent, hateful characters
--the codependent, dysfunctional, abusive relationship between Bella and Edward
--the raging sexism and racism
--the trivializing of real tragedies for plot devices
--the constantly changing rules of the universe
--the pedophilia masquerading as fate
--the lack of sexual purity while claiming to champion waiting for marriage

Actually, what was definitely the worst was knowing that I would have absolutely loved this garbage as a teen.


  1. I love your summary! I have not read any of the books and I refuse to read them, so I can't 'officially' criticize. However, from what I know of them I'm sure I would agree with your conclusions. Good for you!

  2. Once I read the book Brazil because its author won the Nobel prize and I wanted to have such lofty literature in my broad intellectual repository. Life is too short to read without discretion and discernment. I am still disturbed when I think of that book despite my urban roots and steadfast liberalism. As the years have gone by I have become broader without any reading at all, and non-fiction gives me some sense of accomplishment.
