Friday, November 5, 2010

Update on my kids

We had a monster appointment for all four kids last week with our primary doctor. Smartie and Sweetie have started growing again, so Dr. C feels okay with backing off the testing for now. We still have no answers for why they were losing weight. I am glad we did the testing, but I'm also okay with backing off. The girls are happy, healthy, and meeting milestones. As long as they keep growing, I'm not worried about them being small. It's only when they stopped gaining and started losing that we wanted some tests done.

Smartie is 36lb 12oz (.75%ile) and 3'10" (15%ile) at 7. She's become very conscious of what she eats, always asking how many carbs and protein foods have. She knows she needs to eat more to be healthy and is really making an effort at it. We're homeschooling her again this year for 1st grade, and she loves to read and do scientific experiments.

Sweetie is 26lb (.6%ile) and 3'2" (25%ile) at not quite 4. Her bloodwork is still a little wonky, but we no longer suspect diabetes as her A1C came back normal. She's my sweet and sensitive girl, always up for a snuggle. She's also becoming more social, enjoying Sunday school, preschool, and homeschool co-op a lot.

Sassy is 20lb (8%ile) and 29.5in (35%ile), so another relatively tall and thin girl. She's my earliest talker and latest walker, jabbering away with her talker sisters. She's a very opinionated, strong-willed little girl and definitely rules her brother despite his being more physically aggressive. She loves dress up and accessories. She was thrilled when we bought her first pair of shoes and showed them to everyone we met.

Monkey is 22lb (13%ile) and is 30in (13%ile). He's my earliest walker and latest talker, jumping off furniture and very active. He's also a practical joker (his dad's side of the family). His first joke was actually about nursing: he had been nursing for his usual amount of time when he popped off with a serious look, signed "more", leaned forward to latch back on, then yelled "ALL DONE!" And he laughed and laughed because he tricked me! The child is 15 months, only knows 2 words, and can play a joke already. Scary! :P

The twins are still nursing 2-3 times a day. The naptime nursing has become hit and miss, but morning and bedtime are still going strong. We're happy with this balance for now, and we'll see how long this ride lasts.

Thanks, everyone, for the prayers and support while we were testing the girls. Here's hoping they keep gaining.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear your kids are starting to grow and gain weight again! Such a bad feeling knowing anything is wrong with your child, no less something to really be worried about.
