Friday, September 17, 2010

Writing/Grammar Pet Peeves

"Your stupid"? My stupid what?

You can defuse a bomb, but diffusing it might be a bad idea.

"Thru" is only a word if you're getting a burger in your car.

Per se means "of itself". Per say is only how you pronounce it.

Fire is fiery. Burn all misspellings!

Never enter your PIN number on an ATM machine. You could get the HIV virus.

E.g. means for example. I.e. means that is, i.e. always be correct.

A lot is two words. Allot means "to distribute". Alot means "I can't be bothered to learn proper spelling."

If you really had baited breath, you would smell rather fishy.

Rouge is a color. A rogue is not.

A horde is a large group, often unruly. To hoard means to gather and often references dragons.

Your throws of ecstacy send me into throes of amusement.

I before E except after C, or when pronounced "a" as in neighbor and weigh. Unless it's weird.

You should definitely spell definitely definitely.

Et cetera does not abbreviate to ect, ecc, or et. Etc.

Plurals are formed by adding an s. An appostrophe is used to show possession.

Don't try and learn these facts. Try TO learn these facts.

Thank you and good night.

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