Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another turn on the roller coaster...

Well, this roller coaster has taken another sharp turn. We met with the doctor today (we actually had an appointment in another office in the same building, and he came and found us.) Smartie's test results are improving, so he's not as concerned with her. But he now thinks Sweetie has Type I Diabetes. This is NOT a diagnosis yet, just a theory. He's cancelled the consult with the hematologist and is working to get us in with an endocrinologist ASAP, hopefully by the end of the week.

If it is JD, we've caught it very early. He said usually when he sees JD, he's sending very sick children straight to the hospital, but Sweetie is still relatively well.

If it is JD, she'll be on a very strict diet and will need insulin injections. The diet doesn't intimidate me (much), I'd actually welcome the excuse to get the whole family on a healthier diet. But I'm not looking forward to giving my poor sweet baby an injection every day. She's already terrified of needles from all the bloodwork we've done in recent weeks.


  1. JD is very treatable! I can relate to getting shots in the tummy everyday. No fun! She will get used to it everyday though and soon give them to herself. See you tonight!

  2. Sorry Jen, that's not the best news, but certainly could be much worse. Hope Ethne continues to improve and that all goes well for Catie. And know that the Lord will provide all your needs.

  3. we continue to think of you guys and pray!

  4. Jen- have not been up on blogs lately and just got caught up. We will be praying for your family! Tough stuff.
    Could you please email your new home address to juliadesc@gmail.com. Lost it in a computer crash. Thanks! Julie
