Saturday, August 21, 2010

13.1 Done!

I finished my half-marathon today! My time was 3:18. The course time limit was 3:05, so I'm not sure if my time will count as an official finish, but I did still get a medal. And I wasn't last, there were three people behind me.

It was a tough race (what genius planned a race in August in Illinois?) but it was a fun race. My Team In Training coach and two teammates also ran it. Coach Terry placed second in his division, and Sherry won hers. Both of them came out to run the last mile with me, which helped tremendously.

I started out really strong. In fact, it was a little too strong. In training, I've averaged 15-16min/mile. My first six today I averaged almost 14min/mile. Part of me knew this was a dumb idea, and part of me really hoped I'd finish under the time limit. I hit "the wall" at mile 10 and couldn't run anymore. I walked most of the last 3 until I hit a downhill stretch and finally got a little strength to run again. Then I got to the last quarter-mile around the high school track to the finish line and was able to run and finish strong with Coach Terry beside me.

This was my third half, and the first real exercise I've done since before I was pregnant with the twins. Time-wise, it was my 2nd best of the three. I'm going to take a week or two off, but not too long. I want to maintain and build on my current level for my next half. That's right, I'm already registered for the Disney's Princess Half Marathon in February. I've already started making my costume! I'm hoping with more training and cooler temps, I can set a PR and break the 3:00 mark.


  1. Great job! What an accomplishment!! Keep up the good work--I'd like to think I'd like to do something like this...but dont' think I could!

  2. Congrats Jen! Wow, I thought a 5K was an accomplishment for myself... I have a ways to go to catch up to you! Great work!
