Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Dream Dashed

I had a rather random memory surface today. When I was six years old, I loved to watch Star Search on Saturday mornings. I was fascinated by the costumes, the singing and dancing, and the judging. I decided I really wanted to be a singer.

So one day I asked my mom if I could be on Star Search that Saturday. I'm sure she wasn't really listening, because she said sure. I was thrilled! I went to school that week and told everyone that I would be on Star Search that Saturday and to make sure to watch me. Meredith, a girl in my class, thought I was lying. Nuh-uh, I told her. My mom said I could!

That Saturday, I got up so excited! I raced through my breakfast, then asked my mom when we were going. Going where, she asked. To be on Star Search, duh! Didn't she remember?

That's when I got the devastating news. You had to take an airplane ride to California, try out, and spend months preparing to be on Star Search. BUT SHE SAID I COULD! I was very upset, naturally.

That Monday, Meredith said she watched Star Search, and I wasn't on it. So I was a liar. Nuh-uh, I said. I WAS going to be on it, I just changed my mind. Poor, heartbroken little first grader.


  1. That's OK. Staci wanted to be a jockey when she was little and now she's almost 6 ft tall. I wanted to be a vet and I can't stand the sight of blood.

  2. And you wonder where Ethne gets her funny ideas?

  3. Hey, I can still be a jockey! Remember my awesome skills at the arcade in FL with you and Tara?
