Friday, January 29, 2010

Major Sleep Deprivation

We've been dealing with bad-sleeping babies (particularly Monkey) for over a week now, and it's about to drive me batty. I know it's completely developmentally normal for 6 month olds to start sleeping badly, but that doesn't make it any easier. Both babies have been up several times a night, sometimes separately and sometimes together.

I usually prefer they get up separately because I can nurse lying down and go back to sleep. BUT I've also had to start supplementing at night again, which means I have to get up anyway. When I nurse them together with the supplement, though, it means I have to turn on the lights. Which means it's Party Time! Monkey was up for hours last night, just yelling.

The only thing that calms him down/gets him back to sleep is the swing. Our swing is a wind-up, which means I have to get up every half hour to rewind it or he'll wake back up. Does anyone have a battery-powered or plug-in swing they'd be willing to loan me or trade for?

I hope we get through this phase quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Jen - call me. You're welcome to borrow our swing. : )
