Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Worst Christmas Gift

Once again, the Illinois Lottery is advertising tickets for Christmas (and once again I have their stupid jingle stuck in my head.) I can't imagine a worse gift than losing lottery tickets. Seriously, you could have gotten a $20 gift card to a restaurant, or cash, or even an ugly sweater to return. Instead you get $20 worth of losing lotto tickets? How disappointing.


  1. ...and the worst part? They can't be "re-gifted!"

  2. Way back when I used to work at S.F. we had an employee leaving the department as we got them a card with a bunch of lotto tickets in it.

    The card read "We got you some lotto tickets. If you win, it's the most expensive gift we've ever given you. If you lose, it's the most expensive gift we've ever given you." Pretty tacky.
