Friday, November 6, 2009

Four Months

Here we are with 1/3 of a year gone already! Babies are doing great. They've both doubled their birth weight--Sassy is 10lb 10.5oz and Monkey is 12lb 4.5oz as of Tuesday. They both are rolling tummy to back, smiling, and "talking." It's funny, though, Sassy hits the physical milestones about 2 weeks before Monkey while Monkey hits the social milestones about 2 weeks before Sassy.

Monkey has recently discovered his voice and loves to scream. Sassy tends to be quiter and let Monkey do the talking, unless she's by herself. Then she gets a little more vocal. Monkey is really quick to smile and interact with people (looking to be the most extroverted of my children) while Sassy likes to study you first (another introvert). When she does smile, though, it's with her whole body. Her smile doesn't just light up the room, it lights up the whole city!

Nursing is getting better again after a setback with a blister. They take a combined 24-28oz of formula depending upon the day, so I estimate my supply has maxed out at 50-55%. Part of me still struggles with not making more, while most of me realizes that would be a full supply for one which is fantastic given my post-surgery status! (Then part of me wants to have just one more baby so I could nurse with a full supply, and the rest of me says I'm out of my mind!)



  1. seriously, can he look any more like brett? Its crazy! I think you should post some baby pics of you and brett side by side with the twins...its so cute, a little jen and a little brett.

  2. I can't believe they're so big. I miss your kids. I can't wait to have my life back again.
