Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I do it myself/I can't

For the last two weeks, Sweetie has insisted on getting dressed "by myself." She tries and tries, gets frustrated, screams for help, screams some more because she doesn't want help, etc. You all know what I'm talking about. Well, she's finally figured it out and has successfully dressed herself since Saturday.

And today? "I CAAAAAAN'T! I NEED HEEEEELP!" Well, I'm just too tired to deal with her today (six weeks of sleep deprivation is really catching up to me.) So I left her crying on the floor. And her solution? "I'll just be naked today, Mommy." *sigh*


  1. I know the feeling. Now that Zion is wanting to do things, but still accepts help, Reagan insists on me helping her with things too. She will also do baby talk like him to ask for things. Like "pee pee" for when she has to go potty, since he's now going on the big potty.

  2. It was right around 6 weeks Jen when my long nights started really taking a toll and it started being "how much longer is this going to last." I wasn't sure I'd stay sane if it went on much longer.

    The good news - the end IS in sight. More sleep is on it's way and you'll get there.

    Yes. Ava cried to herself on the floor too a few times. ; )

    Don't you just the this "do it myself" stage?! Somedays I just have to sit on my hands and tongue and convince myself I just have to cheer her on. : )
