Friday, June 12, 2009

Overnight at L&D

I got my first overnight visit to L&D last night. My second 24hr test came back at 1048 (the first was 852, PE is diagnosed at 300) so the OB wanted more bloodwork. He ordered a different test this time in addition to the usual PE labs. My platelets were fine, liver enzymes were up a little but not horrible, but the new test showed my clotting factors were really weird.

Spent the night doing another 24hr and baby monitoring, then repeated the BW this morning. Plus we did a second round of steroid shots. The 24hr came back under 1000, babies both looked great, and BW came back unchanged. Also, my BPs were great the entire time I was there, which confuses me so much. So I'm back home again. It is so frustrating to be told you might deliver tomorrow, only to be told tomorrow that you've got several more weeks in you. The not knowing is driving me nuts!


  1. Jen been thinking of you often this week and continue to pray for you. May you continue to find comfort and strength in the Father. He will see you through.
    Keep up the great work. Those little ones are cozy and maybe just not ready to come just yet...but the day will be here soon it sounds like.

  2. That does have to feel like alot of mental guessing games/roller coasters!

    We keep thinkig of you and pray you find the strength for each day that comes - whatever it holds!

  3. I have been really thinking about you (and neurotically checking your blog), the ups and downs you are dealing with are something I can not understand, but you are being lifted to the Lord by so many people so I hope you take comfort in that. I am home for the summer so PLEASE call me if you need help with the girls!!
