Friday, June 26, 2009

The end is in sight

I'm on the schedule for induction Monday night/Tuesday morning. I'll have a sono Monday morning to confirm position, so let's all pray the babies are head down by then.


  1. Jen--by God's will you've done so great! I'm so proud of you!

  2. Hey our babes may have the same b-day! If I dont go before monday I will be induced that day too!
    Praying for you jen!

  3. It has been great to keep up with you via blog. I cannot believe the process you guys have been through the past few months! Praise the Lord that it looks like a happy ending!! Graham's birthday is also on the 30th! It's a great time to have a baby...or two! I am thinking this has been hard for you but you may need more prayers later with 4 little ones!!!! :o)

  4. whoa- I haven't caught up on the blogging lately and a lot has happened with you! Praying for a safe delivery!

  5. So, tomorrow is your big day? I am praying for a safe delivery & healthy babies. Hope you are doing well & not anxious!

  6. Praying for a safe delivery for you and those babies!!!
