Tuesday, May 12, 2009

28 weeks!

I am so pumped. I had my 28 week appointment today and had nothing but good news!

First, I've reached 28 weeks where survival rates are 90%+! Six weeks ago when my BP first spiked I honestly wasn't sure we'd make it this far. At the time I said if I could make 28 weeks I'd be content with the twins coming anytime after that, but now that I'm here I want at least 2 more weeks. Best of all, my BP is still well controlled and I still have no other symptoms, so making 2 more weeks and more is looking very probable. :)

Second, my OB quit! I have no idea why, but I was informed today that she has left the practice. I primarily see the MW, who I love, but all her patients are assigned to one of the two OBs for back up. I was randomly assigned to the OB who is known to be more intervention-prone. And since I'm having twins and have a complicated history, the OB has been more involved in my case. She never came right out and said it, but hinted that I should plan on a C-section. She also informed me that she would require me to have an epidural "just in case a section becomes necessary." I planned to fight her on it, but really who wants to have to fight during transition?

Well, I've now been reassigned to Dr. S, who is much less invasive. Not only is he planning on a vaginal birth, he won't require an epidural and has even agreed to do a breech delivery should it be necessary! (As of today, both twins are head down. I'm hoping they've run out of room and will be "stuck" head down for the duration so the breech issue won't even come up.)

Third, they checked with the Peri in Champaign about my clotting mutation. He says my labs all look good so I don't need injections. :) :) :) His only recommendation is to take extra folate/B vitamins and have my levels re-checked at 6 weeks postpartum to see if I need to follow up with a hematologist.

ETA: Both heart rates were great, I'm now measuring 4 weeks ahead, and I'll have an ultrasound in two weeks.


  1. Oh wow wow wow! Congratulations! God continues to do huge things. That is so great.

  2. another YEAH!!!!

    I'll be praying they get stuck head down too for you : ).

    we'll continue to pray!

  3. Jen, I'm so happy for you and so THANKFUL! I think and pray for you from time to time and how neat is this to read your blog and feel God is answering so many prayers. Pray all continues to go well!

  4. This is so great! We continue to pray for you.
