Sunday, April 5, 2009

Is This Normal? What would you do?

Update: I weighed Smartie this morning, and everything she had gained in the last 6 months has been lost in the last two weeks. Granted, she's been sick and refuses to eat much, but still this was the last straw. I took her to my doctor instead of the ped--I like him better and will probably switch the kiddos over to him.

He agreed that her growth pattern seems like more than just genetics. He ordered a number of tests. If they all come back normal, at least we'll know what it's not.

All the running around today raised my BP, though, so I have to take it very easy again. My next OB appt. is tomorrow.


Most of the time, I think Smartie is fine. She's average-to-above mentally, emotionally, socially, motor skills. Yes, she's small for her age, but so was I and so was Papa Runner.

Every once in a while something will happen that will send me into panic mode thinking maybe there is something wrong with her. Besides her growth issues (31 pounds at 5.5 years), she seems very susceptible to illness. She catches every bug that comes along, gets sicker and stays sick longer than anyone I know. It doesn't matter if it's stomach, lungs, ears, skin, viral, bacterial, fungal, whatever. She gets hit hard and will feel the effects long after the illness has run its course.

Currently it's the flu (influenza.) She had a coughing fit this afternoon that lasted non-stop for 71 minutes! I checked her lungs with a stethoscope and can't hear any wheezing, so I don't think it's an asthma attack, just the effects of the flu. When it finally ended, she passed out cold and has been sleeping since. Her left ear also started draining this morning--ear infection number 14.

I'm not sure if I should have her checked out or even what tests I should ask about. Could it be a metabolic problem? Or the immune system? Maybe I should see a naturopath instead of a traditional pediatrician. Of course, a week from now when she's back to normal other than a lingering cough (which will last for about a month), I'll probably decide it's just the way she is or due to her slight prematurity and ignore it until the next crisis. What would you do?


  1. I would take her to the doctor. It won't hurt anything and then at least you'll know what it isn't if everything comes back neg. Otherwise you'll just be guessing.

    I'd also get your house tested for mold. A little bit can keep kids sick.

  2. Good advice Staci. I think house testing for mold is something that most people dont think about but probably should.

  3. Also I would recommend running an air purifer. Kyler had pneumonia three winters in a row and this past winter we purchased a unit and he didn't get sick and all our kids didn't get the usually couple colds a winter. We did the EdenPur one. Well worth the investment. My cousin has a small child and she's been tested and tested and nothing comes sometimes God just makes sweet little petite kiddo's! Praying for you as you make decisions and choices for your sweet child.

  4. Jen - between your worries for your health and your two unborn babies, you also have these worries over Ethne, along with the care of the girls and a husband and household. Must be overwhelming at times. I'm praying for every day you can hang on to your health and those two babies. Would complete bedrest be a help or not? Are you ready for a church meal list, or a child care sign up for Ethne and Catie? Cleaning? I'm out of town for 2 days, but will give you a call the end of the week and see what your needs are. Take care!

  5. Hopefully they'll be able to get to the bottom of things, or at least eliminate some of the worries. I'm glad you're getting her looked at. When you posed the question yesterday of 'what would you do?' I was going to respond that I'm usually a wait-and-see kind of gal, but I also believe that the Mommy's gut-instinct is usually right on. So if you thought things didn't seem quite right then definitely get her seen. Keep us updated! Praying for you and your sweet little family!
