Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Three Posts in One Day

First, I'd like to thank everyone for the prayers. I think a big part of why I'm so worried this week is because Thursday would have been Ian's due date. I have requested my medical records in preparation for my consult with the peri. It's been interesting going through them.

Second, I have entered a research study for endometriosis. Since I know I'm not the only woman out there with it, I thought I'd pass on the info. To qualify, you must have been surgically diagnosed. All they need are a saliva sample (they mail you a kit) and a copy of your surgical records. They are looking for a genetic link that could lead to an early-detection test and eventually a cure. The website is
End to Endo.

And third, scroll down to see my other posts of the day, "History Repeats Itself" and "Bunk Beds."

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