Friday, March 27, 2009

It's official! Boy and Girl!

I had my consult with the peri and a high level ultrasound today. It's official, we're having one of each! Both babies look great, around a pound each, normal heart/kidneys/etc. BP is still fine, uterine arteries/placentas/cord flow all looked fine. Now everything needs to stay fine for at least 6 more weeks, preferably much, much longer.

I thought he'd do blood work today to test for underlying conditions, but he wanted my regular doc to do that. So sometime in the next week or two we'll be drawing ten (10!) vials of blood for testing. I already suspect what the results will be, but will be glad once it's offically confirmed.


  1. YEA!! Congratulations! Glad everything is going good so far!

  2. Ethne comes through again!! I think I'll definitely cousult with her in the future if our family decides to expand. (this is not an announcement of any kind!!!!!:) Glad all looks good. Hope you got all of your questions answered. Praying for at least 6 more weeks!!

  3. Glad to hear things are going well with the babies. I enjoy following your family news on your blog.

  4. YEAH!!! 1 of each will be so fun! :) and I'm thankful things look good!
