Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bunk Beds

We set up the bunk beds a couple weeks ago. Sweetie had them to herself (no ladder) for a while to get used to them, then Smartie moved in last weekend. It's been interesting, to say the least.

The first night, Smartie had to go up and down the ladder to "use the bathroom" at least 4 times. She came to get me at 9:00 because Sweetie had climbed up to the top bunk and needed help to get down. Then Smartie decided it was too scary to sleep up there and wanted her sleeping bag. When I got her up the next morning, she had pulled the sleeping bag up to the top and slept in it up there.

The second night, I heard them giggling and singing happy birthday at the top of their lungs until well after 10:00.

The third night, I had to leave their door open and sit just outside for a while, telling them to be quiet every time I heard a peep.

To make matters more interesting, Sweetie has figured out how to open the door. She isn't quite tall enough to get a good grip on the handle, but if she pushes the diaper genie over and sits on top of it, she can reach. So keeping her in the room has been a challenge, too.

I'm sure they'll get used to the new set-up soon. But I've found one other flaw in the bunk bed plan--making the bed. I had forgotten what a challenge it is, and it will only get harder as I get bigger. I wouldn't be opposed to being a "bad mommy" and just leave the sheets unwashed for a few months, but Smartie still wets the bed once or twice a week. So once or twice a week I'll have to crawl up there. Fun fun!

ETA: Smartie agreed to wear a Pull-Up tonight. I'm not excited about the step backward, but at least I don't have to change sheets!


  1. Love the bunk beds! (and your stories about the girls) :) We will certainly be praying for you & your 2 little ones...I finally voted!! :) 1 of each, baby!

  2. I think we have the same bunk beds! We bought ours at Martin's. Great taste! Yes, the top is a pain to make. :( Take care.

  3. Your bunk beds are beautiful and I love your wall color! I agree with you - I have a horrible time changing the sheets on our bunk beds and I'm not pregnant x 2. Last week we had our up-top sleeper get sick in the middle of the night... that's a fun one to try and clean up! Hang in there - hopefully they'll start sleeping soon.
