Thursday, February 12, 2009

I LOVE my Midwife

I probably should have put this in with yesterday's post, but double pregnancy-brain has really taken its toll!

So, I liked my midwife, Sarah Leeper, right from the start, but I think I intimidated her at first. Before midwifery school, she had worked in a high-risk OB's office and had never seen a case of recurrent pre-eclampsia before. So my history was unusual to her, and adding in that I'm her first set of twins was extra scary. She had talked my case over with Dr. Fulk, and they planned to jointly manage my care with Dr. F taking over as primary at 20 weeks.

When I went in yesterday, she told me she had spent the last 4 weeks researching recurrent PE and was much more comfortable with the situation. We will, of course, still consult with Dr. F, but Sarah is hoping to remain my primary for as much of the pregnancy as possible. And if I avoid PE this time, that would be clear through delivery! I'm really excited about this.

If you're looking for a new OB/Gyn and are considering trying a midwife, I definitely recommend Sarah. She works in Drs. Santiago and Fulk's office.

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