Thursday, January 29, 2009

Supper Time Tradition

A few months ago, we started a new tradition. Every night we go around the supper table and tell our "best and worst."

Sweetie loves this part of the evening. She always says, "My bess pa-da-da day was *babble babble babble* AHAHAHAHA! My wuss pa-da-da day was *babble babble babble* AHAHAHAHA!"

For Smartie, it depends on her mood. She usually mentions something like playing with Hayley at preschool as her best and Sweetie not sharing as her worst. Tonight, she was in a silly mood. As she stood on her chair turning circles, she said, "My best part of the day was turning in circles, and my worst was when I had to quit!"

We hope to keep this tradition up for years to come. As the kids get older, we hope it will give us a better insight into their lives.


  1. So cute!! We do the same thing and we call it "Best and worst, worst goes first". That way we end on a good note. Our kids love it too and it's amazing the things you find out about their day at school or just playing at home.

    I love Catie's answers!!
