Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boogie Babies!

I went to the MW today to get a prescription, and while I was there they told me they had a brand new 4D sonogram machine. The tech is still learning to use it. And since I have the "exciting" twin pregnancy, would I like to be a practice patient? Um, YEAH!

We spent about 20 minutes getting regular and 4D sonos of the twins. They were both wide awake and very active, kicking, waving, and somersaulting. At one point they got an absolutely beautiful shot of the babies cuddled face to face. Unfortunately, they couldn't give me any pictures (photo shoots start at $150!) But it was amazing to see.


Sweetie is starting to catch on to the whole baby thing. Or at least, if you ask her where the babies are she knows the proper response is, "In mama's tummy." And she knows their temporary nicknames, too, "Clark" and "Addison." (And if you get that joke, you TOTALLY ROCK!)


Several weeks ago, before we knew they were twins and before we had mentioned anything to the girls about the pregnancy, Smartie came up to me out of the blue and said, "Mommy, God's gonna give us two babies, a boy and a girl!" At the time I just laughed. But she was right about there being two. We'll have to wait and see if she nailed the genders. She is still very insistant that they are a boy and a girl and has even gone so far as to claim that Baby A on the right is the boy and Baby B on the left is the girl. She actually has a good track record at guessing these things. The Baby Psychic!


  1. All the way home from the graduation Reagan kept saying "I have two babies in my tummy!" Then she'd say "what'd Jen say?" (wanting me to ask that) "Jen said 'NO they're MY babies!'" Then in a crying voice she'd say "no they're Reagan's babies!" "No MY babies!!" - She was very upset about it!

  2. How exciting! I bet it was so fun to see them. Are you guys Cubs fans by chance?!?!?!?

  3. i think you should keep the names clark and addison!! then email pat and ron about them this summer!
