Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Uh-oh, it's too quiet...

My BFAR support group recently started a photo thread called "While my Back was Turned for Five Seconds..." I thought it would be fun to do a Mr. Linky. If you have a funny story, or better yet a picture, of something your child did while your back was turned, post it to your blog and add your URL to Mr. Linky.

Here's mine:

This was almost 2 years ago, but it's what we found in one of those "uh-oh, it's too quiet" moments. You can see the globs of vaseline on her feet, hands, face, pajamas, hair, and the pile of brand new clothes next to her. We washed her hair three times between then and church the next morning with no improvement, so she went to Sunday school with greasy pigtails. They stuck straight out!


  1. I don't have a blog to link to, so I'll just post a comment. Where to begin... I guess some of my most memorable ones were boys #1 & #2 sticking panty-liners all the way up their legs to "play mummy". Boy #3 (who is by far the most mischievous) dumping an entire jar of grape jelly in the closet on a pile of laundry - I caught him covered in jelly, trying to get the peanut butter jar open. And just a few months ago he dumped a whole bottle of baby powder behind the bathroom door, right over the vent. I figured it out when the air kicked on and - poof - a fog of baby powder in the bathroom, hallway, and kitchen.

  2. I don't have any photos near as fun as yours yet . . .but knowing Ava I know it's a matter of WHEN and not IF!!! : )

    your photo made me smile. : )
