Monday, March 10, 2008

TNT Update

Getting the mail has become the headline event at our house lately. Rarely does a day go by that we don't find a little envelope with a donation. Every dollar helps, and we are so grateful.

We have been surprised on several occasions to see a return label from someone we don't know well, or from another young family with lots of obligations. We'll think maybe they sent $20, only to find a check for $100, $200, even $500! We've begun to realize it's not about how well they know us but how much they've been touched by Leukemia and other blood cancers that drives the donation. (I share this not to make anyone feel bad for not giving more. We really are just as grateful for the $20 donations as for the $500 one.)

Our funniest donation was from one of our Crown students who apparently gave us their weekly tithe right down to the cent! We get a chuckle every time we see that 24 cents on the end of our balance.

With today's mail, we were thrilled to find that Papa Runner needs just $30.76 to reach his minimum goal! (The official minimum is $3900, we rounded up to $4000 for our letters and websites.) So if any of you have been meaning to send us something and just haven't gotten to it, you can go to Papa's webpage and finish out his goal. If he's reached the $3900 mark, you can click the link to Mama's webpage to work on hers. And of course, you can always drop a check in the mail or pass one on in person. (Wonder how many checks we'll get in the next week for $30.76!) Thanks again to our 59 wonderful donors and all the others who have offered prayers and well-wishes. Your encouragement means a lot on those cold runs!

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