Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl

Last night we had a Super Bowl/Welcome Home Papa Runner (YAY) party. I had a hard time knowing who to root against for the big game.

On one hand, the Patriots are arrogant and snooty and needed to be taken down a peg.
On the other hand, Eli Manning is a punk and I have a hard time rooting for him.
On one hand, it would have been cool to see the Patriots make history.
On the other hand, I'm a sucker for underdogs (I am a Cub fan, after all.)

When my hubby (YAY) decided to root for the Pats, I tried to join him, but in the end I couldn't do it. I was rooting for the Giants. I admit, I laughed like a loon for, like, 5 minutes when they pulled out the win. The look on Bellichek's face different than usual, but still priceless!

Before the game, we informally made predictions on the results. And the person with the best guess was...Smartie! She picked the Giants (because they're tall) to win by 4 (because that's how old she is.)

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