Friday, April 30, 2010


Tomorrow registration opens for the Disney Princess Half Marathon, which will be next March. I'm totally signing up for it! You get a tiara instead of a medal. You have to pick a princess to be when you register, and I'm going with Belle. Belle and Jasmine were the only ones smart enough to get to know their prince before committing their hearts, plus Belle has the awesome library. I'm totally a Belle.

But since that race is so far away, I'm probably registering for a nearby half marathon (Mahomet) that runs in August. The only potential problem with that race is the course time limit: 3:05:00. My PR is 3:06:06, but the race director assured me that if I'm that close, he'll keep the finish line open for me.

Then I want to do another Team In Training race in January. My choices are Disney (not princess) and Arizona. Since I'm hoping to do the Princess one, I'll likely go with Arizona. Do I dare try a full? Yes, I dare!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just Guessing

Three out of four children liked the mango I cut up for lunch today. The fourth refused to try it because she "didn't like it."

Me: How do you know you don't like it when you haven't tried it?
Sweetie: I'm just guessing.

Twins are awesome

Sassy got knocked over by her sisters (who are on my last nerve, BTW) and was crying. Monkey rushed to her side, gave her a kiss, and rubbed her head. The bond between the two of them is so special. They almost always play side by side. They have the whole room and their choice of toys, but where one plays the other does, too.

And we reached a milestone today--we finally dropped a nursing session! And amazingly enough (or perhaps not, after re-reading the previous paragraph) they chose the same feeding to drop! No more nursing after morning nap before lunch. It couldn't have come at a better time, too, because I'm about to commit to another half marathon. So I'll be able to go for long runs when I put them down for their morning nap and not have to worry about being back when they wake up.

Monkey also finally FINALLY started sleeping through the night most nights, so we're down to five feedings a day and one at night once or twice a week.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Guess which child has a black eye?

You'd think so, but no.

Wrong again.


That's right, the one you'd least expect.

This wonderful mother can't trust Monkey not to head for the stairs, so I always get Sassy out of bed and changed first because she always just sits by my feet. Today, after I finished with her, I was working on getting Monkey dressed when suddenly I heard it--thump thump thump. The poor child has a bruise on the other side of her head and a scrape on her leg and arm, too. Bad Mommy! I should have kept the door shut until they were both ready.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bad weigh in and a funny

The twins had their 9-month check up today. I've been monitoring their weight at home so saw this coming.

Sassy has been holding steady at the 30% line, but her height has jumped from 50% to 75%. Wow! She's a lot bigger than her sisters, who are both around 10% for height and never on the chart for weight.

Monkey has dropped from the 50% line to <5 12-month="" about="" active.="" and="" at="" been="" being="" br="" but="" c="" check.="" concerned.="" crawling="" didn="" dr.="" due="" for="" force="" full="" gain="" going="" has="" he="" height="" held="" his="" how="" i="" is="" it="" looks="" months="" now.="" panic="" s="" see="" slowing="" so="" started="" steady.="" t="" thankfully="" the="" think="" time="" to="" two="" wants="">
So another light-weight in our house. Sigh. With the way that boy eats, you'd think his weight wouldn't be a problem.

Monkey did have some good news. His scoliosis has started to resolve itself. He does still have a slight curve but it's much improved and barely noticeable now.

And now a funny:

Smartie recently lost her first tooth and was very excited to be visited by the Tooth Fairy.

This morning she told me she needed string for a project but didn't have any money. Did I know how she could get some money? I suggested she help me fold laundry to earn some money.

"No," she said, "I'll just lose some more teeth and the Tooth Fairy will give it to me."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Sassy started crawling yesterday. She does a combination of knee crawling, scooting on her bum, and rolling, but she slowly makes her way where she wants to go.

Sweetie finally earned her Belle doll for using the potty.

Smartie lost her first tooth.

And for those that asked, yes I'm running again, or more accurately walk/running. I am woefully out of shape, so I'm following the same walk/run pattern I used when I was injured before to get back into it. I hope to be mostly running eventually. If I can maintain my new exercise regimen for three weeks, I may think about signing up for another race.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nine Months

My babies are nine months today! A year ago, we thought there was a chance we'd lose one or both of them, and best case we were looking at preemies with a long NICU stay. It's nothing short of a miracle they were born healthy and perfect at 36 weeks. And now they're nine months! I can't believe how fast it's gone.

Monkey is our adventurous one. He's been crawling for a while now and exploring the whole house. He took his first tumble down the stairs last night. You may be able to see his bruise in the pictures.


Sassy still isn't crawling, though she is getting up on hands and knees now. She's our more vocally advanced baby. I've heard her say Mama a few times.


We're still nursing six times a day and at least once a night (Sassy sleeps through about half the time, but Monkey rarely does). I nursed them together until two months ago when they got too big. I couldn't use the double-football hold anymore because their bums were against the back of the couch. So now I nurse them one at a time. Because feedings were taking so long, I started using the LA from the start of the feed. Feeding time is now manageable, but I've got two tube junkies. They won't latch until the tube is in place. Not sure how we'll be able to wean off the LA now, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Both babies are going through a jealous phase right now, especially Monkey. Whichever baby I nurse first, the other is screaming about it. And even if he's fed first, Monkey will still scream while I feed Sassy. He crawls on me and clings to me when I try to care for the older girls, too. And he doesn't even like Papa Runner to get too close to me!

Both babies are well established on solids now. Their very different personalities really show through when they eat. Sassy daintily picks up one bite at a time, and doesn't want to eat anything too messy. Monkey is shoveling it in double-fisted. He gagged on a mouthful last week, and when I swept his mouth out he had three tortellinis and a hunk of bread in there! They haven't taken to the sippy cup too well yet. They like me to give them a drink, but they don't hold it themselves yet except to throw it.

